Step into the fray 是甚麼意思?

好多字典都查不這個片語,但 Google 可以找到一堆,例如:Foreign banks step into the fray

Google 網頁翻譯是將它譯為「加入競爭」,Bing 網頁翻譯則是「步入....」或「單步執行戰鬥」。

有一篇標題為 The grass is green and it's time to step into the fray 的文章這麼寫:

I've always been hesitant to openly supporting a political party - too much commitment for a gen-Xer like me, but sometimes you've got to step from the sidelines into the fray.

這裡有個單字 "sidelines" 提供了不錯的線索,能夠幫我們推敲 step into the fray 的意思。

從上面的例句來看,step from the sidelines into the fray 有「原本置身事外,後來也跳下去玩」的味道。「玩」的對象可以是遊戲、爭論、競爭、戰爭....等等,依上下文描述的情境而定,例如:加入戰局。


挺傷腦筋的片語.....跟 informed decision 有拼  >_<

