《玫瑰的名字》閱讀筆記 3


(羅傑.培根)認為學者們當前的大事業就是新的自然科學;透過自然過程的不同知識,統合同時也呈現在期待中的基本需要,雖然混亂,但卻是正確而且真實的。新科學,新的自然魔術。根據培根的說法,這個大事業應該由教會所領導,不過我相信他之所以這麼說,是因為在他那個時代神職者的團體和學者的團體是分開的。今天就不再是如此了:有學識的人生活在修道院和教會外,甚至也不在大學裡。因此我想,由於我的朋友都相信現今管理人類事務的責任並不在教會身上,而是在人民的手中,那麼未來學者們必須提出這個全新而且合乎人道的神學;它是一種自然的哲學,也是不可思議的力量。 (p.198)

卡住的那句是「統合同時也呈現在期待中的基本需要,雖然混亂,但卻是正確而且真實的」。之所以在意這段文字,是覺得作者 Eco 似乎欲透過小說中兩位主角的對話,傳達有關宗教與哲學的想法。這是在推理情節的樂趣之外,本書的另一主要元素。


(Roger Bacon) thought that the new natural science should be the great new enterprise of the learned: to coordinate, through a different knowledge of natural processes, the elementary needs that represented also the heap of expectations, disordered but in its way true and right, of the simple. According to Bacon, this enterprise was to be directed by the church, but I believe he said this because in his time the community of clerics was identified with the community of the learned. Today that is no longer the case: learned men grow up outside the monasteries and the cathedrals, even outside the universities. So I think that, since I and my friends today believe that for the management of human affairs it is not the church that should legislate but the assembly of the people, then in the future the community of the learned will have to propose this new and humane theology which is natural philosophy and positive magic.


.... to coordinate, through a different knowledge of natural processes, the elementary needs that represented also the heap of expectations, disordered but in its way true and right, of the simple.


.... to coordinate the elementary needs of the simple.

中文版在本段之前都有將 the simple 翻譯成「一般人」,這裡卻漏掉了,結果讀起來意思便差很多,也更難懂。如果我這樣的縮減方式沒錯,那麼原意大概會是:



